I learned something profound this year; something that friends have been telling me about since four years ago. I learned how to wait for my time to be happy. People know for a fact that I am a result driven person and I hate waiting. But this year, I waited and it was worth it. And it’s true, that happiness doesn't come in a box or is found when you seek it. It comes when you least expect it; as a pleasant surprise.
I have had a lot of reasons to smile this year, and it was not because I looked for it. I went about my business with much hope that this was my year. And yes, good things really do come to those who wait. I'll apply my new found patience and wait some more; I feel that something is coming that would make me smile from ear to ear.
As for my Christmas wish, I think everyone knows what I really want. It's not something that comes in a small or big package; it’s not even a thing but a person. Well, I didn't hang a stocking that could fit a person in it, but then again I feel that I'm waiting has paid-off. I thank all my friends who, in those four years always reminded me that there was someone for me, and for listening to my endless rants. And for all those who tried to hook me up with their friends and supported my search for the ONE.
Lastly, gifts aren't that important to me anymore. The best gifts I ever received are the love and support of family and friends. I met a lot of new friends this year, and I am truly thankful for that; friends are truly a blessing. There is not much that I could ever ask for. I have lived a contented life this past year and I wish for it to stay the same in 2010. I wish to say THANK YOU to everyone who have been a part of my 2009 and I hope that they all stay for 2010 and beyond.